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The appointment with fate was in the year 1389 AH – 1970 AD. The fate of things and the circumstances of time happened that this date was the great turning point in the biography of Professor Radwan Ibrahim Daaboul, as he moved from the world of publishing to the world of publishing. From a professor of mathematics in the city of Riyadh to a publisher in Beirut. The education group has been in all aspects of education.

Thus was the beginning; A group of great companions and professors pushed Professor Radwan Daaboul to start publishing their works and the will of God is with him, and the circle expanded to include the great thinkers of the Arab and Islamic world.
The beginning was based on intellectual material, guiding the nation, enlightening it, and educating it in the midst of currents alien to our identity trying to tamper with and seize the void. In those days, the nation lost a state of non-existence after the sunset of the Islamic Caliphate, living a life of division into homelands, religions into sects and sects, and the tribe into clans that intertwine, and material and partisan matters, with a narrow perspective. One of its borders is wide to strike deep into China in the east and pass through the sea of darkness in the west.

From the first day we offended The Mission, it was so clear to us that we could not root it. A nation may be weakened, or covered by a veil, or slipped by a foot…. And survival in it is stronger than annihilation… And its civilized chest is more preserved than every disease…

Among the factors of its survival is this immortal heritage… which the ancestors left behind for us, a living, developed heritage that refuses to be forgotten, that struggled with time and tribulations until we came to us in a pure, alive and renewed way that it presents to the nation in a manner befitting it, fulfilling the matter of its religion, its history, its history, and its history, and implementing its steps towards the future. .
The effects shown by studies that talk to new generations.
And then we get over ourselves from ourselves…
He did not exclude from our interests a child – who is the hope for the future – or a woman… and she is the maker of generations and their educator or teacher.

And this is what you want in everything that awaits us in everything you want, and this is what you want in everything that is new in the word loyalty that we say while we are on the move. Your great hopes challenge us… And our goal behind it is to advise each other on the good of this nation… And God is the Guide to the straight path..
This is the message we carry…
Generation after generation… and you will be on the covenant… and God is the helper.

Marwan Radwan Daaboul

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